If you don't remember your password or need to change it from your computer, here are the steps to follow.
From your computer:
Go to the Check-in Scan website and click on "Login."
Under the login credentials, there will be an option to reset your password:
Click on "Forgot Password?" and enter the email address you used to register on Check-in Scan.
Once you have entered your email address, we will send you an email. It is crucial that without closing this window, you go to your email inbox and find the email we have sent you, as it contains the Pin Code you will need to create a new password:
Copy that six-digit code into the website, along with the new password you want to create. Remember that your password must contain at least one symbol, one letter, and one number.
You're all set! The page will confirm that the password has been changed successfully, and you can now log in from the app or the web control panel whenever you need to.